Sunday, November 27, 2011

Its been a long time...

Haven't been on her in a while.. Busy with the holidays and the internet being off for a lil bit. Getting back on it tho. Had a wonderful birthday month. Got a gift card to Copelands. It was Marcus and I first time eating there. Can I say that this was the most fresh tasting food I have EVER tasted!? So flavorful! We put our Christmas tree up a month early. Noticed a lot of my other friends put up their Christmas tree early too. Guess everyone wants to get into the holiday spirit early. Our lil neice Selena was the first person to have a gift under the tree. :)

Christmas 2011

We finally got to go with a few friends of ours to the Festival of Lights in St. Augustine. We missed the actual lighting due to the heavy traffic and people not knowing how to park correctly but seeing it was a great adventure. I never really seen Downtown St. Augustine that way.  Hopefully next year we will be able to get there early to see it.

Thanksgiving was nice. We went to my Granny's house and had a little Thanksgiving with her then we had some extended family come over for the dinner we prepped here.  We had so much food but it was worth it. We has overh roaster garlic and herb turkey, chicken dressing with gravy, cranberry sauce, collard greens with neck bones, loaded mac n cheese, deviled eggs, sunkist orange cake, chocolate pecan pie, cupcakes, honey baked ham, dinner rolls and some mulled apple cider, which was great! Sneaks up on ya. We nicknamed it "The Creeper".

Just had a recent possible pregnancy episode where I thought we finally were able to concieve because I got motion sickness while sitting on the passenger side, then I was having on and off nausea for about two weeks. But Mother Nature stepped in and confirmed that I wasn't. Oh well. When God says we are ready and he blesses us to get pregnant then it will happen. :)

I was getting pretty happy for this cool weather we were getting for those few weeks there but you know how Florida gets. We only get a brief cold spell then it gets hot again until like Jan. Not good for my sinuses and chest.. *cough, cough* lol Well I guess that is all for now. Gotta stay up on this. :) Have a awesome Sunday and the rest of the week.