The Suspect: Filmore |
The Witness-Slim (not really helpful) |
Sorry for the not so good picture. My phone is being stupid and I can't transfer my pics from my phone to the computer. Earlier this week, we had a run for our money! We have two hamsters named Filmore and Slim. (Marcus named them) Filmore is our small dwarf hamster and Slim is our "fat boy" hamster. Marcus decided to change up cages on them to give them a new environment. Well Filmore, who I always says is obsessed with exercise because he spins on his wheel after he eats, figured out how to get out of his cage. One morning when Marcus was at work, I was doing my normal cleaning and happened to look in the empty box that was next to his cage. Filmore was in it looking back at me! lol I was like "How in the world did you get in here?!" I inspected his cage and there was no evidence on how he could have gotten out. So I just scooped him up in his ball and put him back in his cage. (Note: I left that same box that I found him in next to his cage...just in case)
Now one thing about Filmore is that he is a very scary hamster. Scary as in he is is so skittish when is comes to trying to pet him or pick him up. He runs away so fast. The next morning I got up and checked the box again and he was in the box again. No evidence on how he was getting out. This time I woke Marcus up and showed him, just so he didn't think I was crazy. Marcus even looked at the cage and thought that there was no way of him getting out of the cage unless he was bumping the top. Remember how I said he was running in his wheel so fast. Well sometimes when he does this and he stops abruptly, because he is so little, the wheel throws him out and he goes flying to the top of his cage. He falls down and "shakes it off" then goes right back to running in his wheel. Weird huh?! So that's one way Marcus was figuring he could be escaping. I told Marcus that if it happens again, then we would have to switch their cages back. A few days past and on Tuesday, I just had this weird feeling and decided to check Filmore's cage. No movement. Looked in Slim's cage and he was still there. I opened the top to Filmore's cage and pick up his house and he is not there; dug around his wheel, even tapped the cage, no Filmore. So I wake Marcus up again and tell him that he got out again and that he is not in his cage. Marcus jumps up and we search frantically pulling out the couch, closets, searching around the stove..any small nook and cranny that a small hamster could go into. No sign of him. I told Marcus that he will eventually have to come out because he will get hungry or thirsty. I had to go to work so Marcus decided to put some food out in hopes that would coax him out.
Later that evening, Marcus and I was on the computer and I was showing him how to play the Sim's game on Facebook (not a big fan of all the game apps but there are a few that I play). We were about to give up on finding him because we didn't know where he could have been or if he ran out the door. I just so happened to look up and there goes Filmore scurring across the living room floor. (we have hardwood floors...absolutely love it! Cuts down on allergies) I tell Marcus "Look, look, there he goes! Quick get him! Ha ha...You should have seen us two, tripping over the chairs to the dining room table, running after a tiny hamster. I had my hands on him two or three times but he kept squiggling out of my grasp. He actually screamed a little bit when he saw us coming and grabbed him. No lie!
The chase kinda played out like this except the mouse was him and the cat was us:
Once we got him in the ball and closed the lid good (he found out how to unlock the door and climb out of this too) we both looked at him. He was breathing so hard. We switched the cages back and fed and watered him. We have been incident free for about 4 hours. ^_^ He is his happy normal self doing his same routines or eating, sleeping and exercising...
So excited that my birthday is coming up in 8 days. Whoo hoo, the big 26! Nothing really to look forward to except living another beautiful fun life and continue to inquire about things that perplex me. For instance, why does my body decide after 25 years to not tolerate 2% milk!? It was bad enough I couldn't tolerate whole milk. Thank God I can still eat cheese (moderation) and Starbucks does soy milk! <3 I leave you with this cute pic that I got from Facebook. I love cute animal pictures! We want one of these dogs!
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