Monday, October 3, 2011

Full moon in the works or just a typical Monday & a Saints game.

Yea, there a full moon brewing or was this a typical Monday cuz after coming off my awesome weekend and actually having a wonderful Monday morning, my afternoon got shot to crap because of people and their poor attitudes. It was just for little things and I get lip. I let most of it fly by but after the fourth time it started to work my nerves. (My daily goals are to work on my attitude and how to not let certain things get to me. I know that will aid in reducing my stress levels.) Luckily for me, time was going by quick today! Tomorrow will be a better day.

As for this weekend, I did have an awesome time. I went to my uncle's house for our family reunion. Then on Sunday, my hubby and I went to the New Orleans Saints vs Jacksonville Jaguars game. This was by far one of the most exciting experiences for us. This was our first time attending a Saints game. My first football game was the Gator Bowl last year. It started out nice and cool for a Florida morning but after the day progressed, it did get hot. A few of my friends did get sunburned. Of course, my hubby was crunk and was yelling WHO DAT as we walked almost half the stadium to find our seats. Today, he now has no voice. He is talking just above a whisper. lol We all had fun though. Everyone was getting along although we were going for different teams. I am glad we went. I would love to attend more games in the future. Here are a few pics from the game. Hope everyone has an awesome night! 

The hubby all decked out! <3

Our view
During the Anthem

Family time! Go Saints!

After the game. Feeling a little crispy.

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