Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just a lil bit...

Not going to write much tonight...super tired and my tummy hurts. (Officially lactose intolerant) Happy early bday to me huh!? lol.  Anywho, So Elise is still not gone! grrr. Big Brother Season Finale ended tonight. I knew Rachel was gonna win. She played a good game although she probaly ran half of America nuts this Summer. I know her and Brendon will have a lavish wedding. I wanted to see Ringer last night, but I missed it. I would love to hear what people thought about the episode. Two of my friends didn't think it was good. Hmmm... Saw on the news this morning that in Kansas, there is some kind of uproar because of a baby being patted down by a TSA official. Come on people, lets be real.... Terrorists will do anything possible to sneak bombs on anything and anyone. They will play on our emotions for our love of children. Don't people know that things can be planted on kids without a care? There are 5 year old kids for instance that can shoot a gun better than me! Just Saying. People can't get all in an ruckus from security doing their jobs by making sure everyone is safe. Now Lord forbid something happen then those same people that protested will have something to complain about then as to why and how did that person get through security?! Well I think I just have brain farted so I will sign off for now. Hope everyone sleeps well tonight. 

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