Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Saturday

Today consisted of....well...homework (one week ahead! ^_^), watching the news and riding my hubby's bike to the KFC down the road. I haven't rode on a bike since I got my car. lol. Great workout though! I was surprised at myself that I got there and back so quickly. But you know, due to me being vertically challenged ( that's short in tall people terms), I was a little scary that I was gonna run into something because the bike was almost too tall for me. I am on my tip toes when sitting on the bike. Shhh....don't laugh! I have hope and confidence, that one day I will grow at least two more inches. Even if this calls for me borrowing  someone's for a few months "tall gene" to do so! lol  

Well if you don't know by now, I am interested in any new health breakthroughs and technology breakthroughs that are beneficial to people whether it stimulates the brain or improve something for people. Making life easier. There is an app out now, i'm not sure which phone, but it is supposed to aid people with color blindness. It helps them see the colors they normally can't see. Most color blind people see only black and white and it affects more men than women. (Please correct me if I am wrong)  I didn't get to see much of the segment and i am having a hard time locating the article. But when I find it, I will post it.

Can you see the number inside of this circle? Most people can't see the number 74. This new app is supposed to allow them to see this with no problem.

And although I haven't picked a college team yet, I was surprised at how the Gators spanked Tennesee Vols tooshie today! Hoping the Noles win though! ^_^  I saw some of my facebook friends posting about how they are tailgating all day!  Also in sports news, why did someone at the Dallas game get tasered because he didn't stand up for part of the National Anthem ceremony?! I mean ok, you can voice your opinon about them not standing up but they didn't have to go all out as far as attacking the guy to the point he had to use the taser. So of course the rules for entering the game has changed. Fans are going to be subjected to a pat down. There has to be a full moon coming out soon. People have been tripping lately! lol I don't know whats up!

There has always been this debate and new rules on how you should discpline your child. Spanking is not allowed in public or if someone catches you hitting your child you can be charged or fined. Back in my childhood days, it was called a beating and it did teach me not to do what I did anymore. Children need some discpline in their upbringing but it doesn't necessarily mean a parent is abusing them. I think society takes things out of context. Then the ones that are being abused are going unnoticed almost before its too late. In my opinion, there has to be some structure in upbringing whether it be a smack on the butt or taking away privelages. Time out doesn't always work. Now if there is a different approach, please let me know. All I know is that if the Lord blesses us one day to get pregnant and have a child, my child will not be one of those kids that hit their parents when they don't get their way. But they will have respect for us as well as others.

There has been a rumor going around from saying that Beyonce used a fake prosthetic belly for a more dramatic appearance. They later stated that this was not true. It is still in the air about how far along she is. I wish people would just let celebrities be and enjoy the joys of pregnancy. Giving them some privacy.
Well I am gonna finish watching the Florida State vs. Oklahoma game. I love football season! Good night everyone!

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